Friday, July 30, 2010

LFF 2010: Director Close-Up

LFF 2010 : Cent visages pour un seul jour / Miat wajh li yom wahed

Dans ce film, Christian Ghazi joint narration dramatique et image documentaire dans une perspective d’analyse de la société libanaise dans le début des années 1970. Un des rares films Arabes qui présentent une nouvelle forme audiovisuelle de narration. Ce film est l’unique œuvre qui a survécu à la destruction de la filmographie de Ghazi. Entre 1964 et 1988 Ghazi a réalisé 41 documentaires qui ont tous été détruits. Ses premiers 14 films ont été brûlés par la censure. Le reste de ses films a connu le même sort en 1988, aux mains d’une milice locale. Seule une copie 35 mm est encore à l’étranger, dont a été la copie Betacam qui vous est présentée.


Christian Ghazi was born on 19-11-34 in Antioch, Turkey, from a French mother and a Lebanese father. His family moved to Syria then to Lebanon in 1939 where they settled, and where he studied, worked, lived and witnessed the destruction of all his work – the burning of all his films. While working in the newspaper “Le soir” and as a philosophy teacher, Ghazi was studying music at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts (ALBA – 1959). Later he worked at the TV station “Lubnan wal Mashreq”, and at the same time started to direct documentaries. His first twelve documentaries commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism in 1964 were all banned and burned for being subversive. He had filmed people at the Casino du Liban and in restaurants, and the miserable peasants in the North and South of the country, then matched the video of the Casino with the audio of the peasants and vise versa. In 1987 while he was away in Africa, his house in Beirut was devastated by a local militia, and again all his films (the only existing negatives) were burned. Between these two dates (1964 and 1987), this veteran filmmaker had an abundant production – 29 films – mostly about the Palestinian resistance, but also about the Lebanese war, the misery, the refugees…

The only remaining of his films is “One hundred faces for a single day”, which he considers as his “manifesto of cinema” (the only copy of this film was found in the Syrian Cinema Institute; the film had been in competition at an alternative film festival in Damascus in 1972 where it won the critics award). Twelve years after his great loss, he directs “The coffin of the memory” (2001), a documentary “about the political insularity and apathy prevalent among so many Lebanese, despite the violence suffered by the people in the region, in Palestine and Iraq”, according to his own words. Since 1959 Christian Ghazi has also written four poetry collections.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

LFF 2010 - Film Selections - Part 4

Here are six more selections for the 2010 Lebanese Film Festival.

Including the ones listed below, a total of 24 film selections have been announced thus far. Stay tuned for more...


Little Stones de Tamara Stepanyan

Danemark, Liban, 2010 - Documentaire

Odeurs…sensations…gouts…Les sens connectés à la nostalgie de quatre femmes; quatre femmes qui vivent au Danemark. Elles sont Sud-Coréenne, Iranienne, Sud-Africaine et Indienne. Mais elles sont Danoises. Je vis au Liban et je suis Libanaise. Mais je suis Arménienne.


La7za ma3 “Abou Rakan” de Christophe Katrib

Liban, 2008 - Documentaire

Abou Rakan, 74 ans, dernier fabriquant de « oud » (luth) de la ville de Tripoli, raconte l’expérience qui l’a lancé dans les années 50. Il joue un morceau sur le premier luth qu’il a fabriqué, Il a du mal, quelque chose pèse sur son cœur, il arrête et partage sa peine…
« Merci et louanges a Dieu… Merci et louanges a Dieu, dans tous les cas »


Le temps d’un soupir de Patrick Sfeir
Liban, 2008-2010 - Animation

C'est l'histoire d'une rencontre insolite sur le toit d'un immeuble.


My Status de Nathalie Sejean
USA, 2009 - Fiction

Combien partageons-nous réellement avec les personnes de notre vie ? Alice rentre chez elle après une journée coupée de toute relation virtuelle avec ses amis. Elle est maintenant prête a découvrir ce qui s’est passe dans sa vie, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire.


Au milieu des Autres de Renée Awit
Liban, 2010

Nadim, un jeune cinéphile, tente d’échapper a sa réalité morne et de son univers familial hostile en trouvant refuge dans le monde du cinéma. Un besoin urgent de récolter une certaine somme d’argent l’entraine dans une petite aventure sur laquelle il projette son regard cinématographique et de laquelle il ne sortira pas indemne.


Fleur oubliée de Riham Assi
Liban, 2010 - Documentaire

« Elle », l'oubliée, vient de la campagne et se nourrit de ses rêves et de ses espoirs. Elle a choisi de raconter son histoire avec un style qui mélange poésie et narration.

LFF 2010: Director Close-Up

LFF 2010 : Au pays qui te ressemble

Maya Abdul-Malak was born in Lebanon and lives in France. Graduate in Contemporary Literature, she was also a continuity girl and script doctor for several movies. In the land that is like you is her first movie.


Quelques mots de Maya pour ..né.à Beyrouth

Il est difficile pour moi de m'exprimer sur mon film.
Je pense que j'avais envie de faire un film sur le mythe du retour qui nous habite quand on est immigré : mon personnage chemine de l'illusion d'un retour au pays, d'un retour sur les vestiges de l'enfance, à la perte de ses illusions.
L'envie aussi de raconter une histoire de filiation et de séparation, de transmission et de perte, la quête d'une place dans le pays d'origine, là où l'on se sent à la fois étranger et charnellement lié.
Et enfin filmer trois personnes que j'aime, qui incarnent mon lien au pays, et faire résonner leurs histoires intimes avec celle du Liban. Et tout ça de la manière la plus simple possible, au détour d'une lecture de marc de café, d'une préparation de repas, d'un silence...

Je suis en train de commencer l'écriture d'un nouveau film qui se déroule à Paris, mais qui traite aussi du Liban (et d'amour), cela sera plutôt une fiction.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

LFF 2010 - Film Selections - Part 3

Here are six more selections for the 2010 Lebanese Film Festival.

Including the ones listed below, a total of 18 film selections have been announced thus far. Stay tuned for more...


As the poet said de Nasri Hajjaj

Palestine, 2009 - Documentaire

Un voyage visuel à travers la vie et les poèmes du défunt poète palestinien Mahmoud Darwich. Il s’agit d’un approche poétique de la vie du poète au cours de laquelle la camera nous fait passer par les villes,les maisons, les théâtres, les écrivains qui ont connu et aimé la poésie de Darwich. Tout au long du film, nous sommes guidés par les vois de Darwich et d’autres du monde entier lisant sa poésie.


Quite Quiet by Marc Abiad

Lebanon, 2009 - Fiction

Three main actors, a photographer, a man with a sound recorder and a silent man who mixed the photographer's pictures with the sounds recorded by the other character in order to create a short experimental movie that flips the reality by the end of the film, thus the audience experiences the situation from different point of views allowing it to facilitate the sense of dividing the illusion from the reality.


Hollow mirrors de Wassim Tanios

Lebanon, 2009 - Fiction

Walid, un jeune homme dans ses vingtaines, appartient à un groupe de jeunes délinquants. en trainant dans les rues de Beyrouth, piquer et agacer les gens, ce groupe attrape une jeune fille...


Deyrouth de Chloé Mazlo

France, 2010 - Animation

Eté 2006. Paris, France. Chloé a décidé de célébrer le trentième anniversaire de l’arrivée de ses parents en France en partant au Liban par voie terrestre. Tout comme eux l’avaient fait pour fuir la guerre, mais dans le sens inverse.Ce voyage devait être pour elle l’occasion de découvrir ce pays. Ironie du sort, une nouvelle guerre éclate quelques jours avant son départ…


A day from Home by Samar Kanafani

Lebanon, 2009 - Experimental

Our commitment to dwelling in our home/nation is bound to the persistent possibility of us abandoning it. How does one construct a life here – in Lebanon – even as one recognizes that it might, at any moment, be violently interrupted? Using pregnancy as allegory, this video approaches the uneasy relationship between an individual desiring a modicum of belongingness and an elusive nation. The impossibility of a perfect fit between the two prods a reconsideration of the passion that binds the ‘self’ to the nation as ‘home’.


Les Arabes aiment les chats by Akram Zaatari & Lilianne Giraudon

Lebanon, France, 2009 - Fiction

These are impressions of a week spent in Tangiers, reflecting on cinéma and poetry, and a portrait of a city, and of friendships.

Monday, July 26, 2010

LFF 2010: Director Close-Up

LFF 2010 : Al Mathana

Born in a southern small city, Nabatieh in 1983, Rami Kodeih was graded excellent for his senior project, a short fiction film A Sheherazade Tale that made a big festivals’ tour around the world. Currently he's preparing his two short films and his first feature, and at the same time he's working as a Director for TV Documentaries, TVCs and Video Clips, as a Director/DOP in Documentaries.


Congratulations on being selected for screening at this year's Lebanese Film Festival. Why did you submit your film to this particular festival?

First, I would like to thank the Lebanese Film Festival for selecting my short film.
A Sheherazade Tale was selected at LFF 2007. I think it was the best Lebanese screening for my first short film: it was the best audience quantity and quality wise.
In 2009, while i was working with Né à Beyrouth on a project, I showed Sandra (one of Né à Beyrouth's and LFF's family, hehe) an experimental video called P Like Pranoia. This happened by accident. It was also selected in the festival, in the Video Clip section!
So I think there is quite a good relation with Né à Beyrouth and the LFF family, whether work or festival wise.
Also, I think the audience of this festival is a very good audience.

"Al Mathana" is your second movie, in what doest it differ from "Sheherazade's Tale" ?

"Al Mathana", The Mill, is very different from A Sheherazade Tale... At the beginning, I thought I wanted to try to shoot something with the RED ONE camera. So I wrote a very low budget film, trying a style different from A Sheherazade Tale. Let's say that what happened was quite the opposite. It was a new experience for me when it comes to the story line, the style, the structure and the 'langage cinematographique'. The Mill was for me a big exercise and a tough experience, especially since I tried to direct the movie and play at the same time. That was really difficult.

The film is a criticism of how video games influence young people. According to you, how can we resolve this problem ?

While writing The Mill, I wasn't thinking of what I want to criticize. I just wrote it very spontaneously. I might be one of those influenced by video games, I don't know hehe... But anyway, it could be seen that way. As a result, I think there is no concrete solution, we are already surrounded by violence especially in our sensitive region.

What’s next ?

Now I'm working on some interesting documentaries for Al Jazeera, and I'm re-writing my feature film. Both the documentaries and the feature are also related to the youth living in our country and especially in Beirut.

Friday, July 23, 2010

LFF 2010 - Film Selections - Part 2

We already announced the first six film selections of the Lebanese Film Festival. Here are six more.

In total, 60 films will be selected for screening.

Check in soon for more film selection announcements.


Love talk 2 de Sirine Fattouh

Liban, France, 2009 - Documentaire

Cette vidéo a été réalisée en même temps que Love Talk 1. A la suite de la conversation avec l’ancien champion d’haltérophilie du Liban, une deuxième discussion avec un autre sportif où il raconte sa passion pour le sport, son rapport au corps et à la beauté. Il évoque sa rencontre avec sa femme et donne sa définition de la séduction.


Al Mathana de Rami Kodeih

Lebanon, 2009 - Fiction

Ali and Kamal are two close cousins despite their opposed personalities. Ali is a dreamer and Kamal is a macho. They go to spend one day in the nature near an abandoned mill in their native South Lebanon. During their trip, their rapport de force slowly unfolds.


Kil El Assafir Bit Sawfir by Roy Khalil

Lebanon, 2009 - Fiction

All Birds Whistle tells the story of an old couple that lives an annoying almost numbing routine until the day their neighbor puts his cannary in their care.Little by little the woman starts communicating with the bird, which tickles the husband’s jealousy.


Au pays qui te ressemble de Maya Abdul-Malak

France, 2010 - Documentaire

Au pays qui te ressemble est un cheminement sur les traces de mon passé perdu, au contact de ma mère, ma grand-mère et un homme que j'aime, dans un pays qui m'échappe et me retient, le Liban.


Les herbes folles de Roy Arida

France, 2009 - Fiction

Un oeuf. Deux hommes. Un fusil. Une fenêtre. Ou le réveil de deux francs-tireurs en temps de guerre civile.


Ruines de Roy Arida
France, 2009 - Fiction

L’histoire d’Assaad, ancien milicien libanais qui a combattu durant la guerre civile et qui, depuis, est devenu vampire. Une allégorie de dérive socio-politique.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

LFF 2010: Director Close-Up

LFF 2010 : Domaine

Patric Chiha est né en 1975 à Vienne en Autriche. Après la réalisation de plusieurs courts et moyens-métrages, et documentaires (dont HOME, OÙ SE TROUVE LE CHEF DE LA PRISON ? et LES MESSIEURS) sélectionnés dans de nombreux festivals, il réalise en 2009 son premier long-métrage, DOMAINE, avec Béatrice Dalle et Isaïe Sultan.


Why did you submit your film to this particular festival ?

I've already shown two films at the festival, "Casa Ugalde" and "Home". So, I know the festival and the people who run it and I like them very much. Even if DOMAINE has no Lebanese subject, I am very happy to show my latest film there. My father is Lebanese, so it touches me a lot to show my films in Beirut.

"Domaine" is your first feature film. How was the shooting ?

For me every film is a film. A short film is also a film. Of course, a feature film requires more time, but in reality it changes nothing.
Somehow, I was very lucky. I dreamed of making this film about the relationship between a woman who says goodbye to the world and a boy who discovers it. And I was free to shoot it as I thought. The producer, the cast and the crew followed me and I could give the movie the shape, which seemed the most right to me. That was very important, because I think that emotion on film has especially to do with shape.

How did you come to choose Beatrice Dalle ?

I don't like the idea of typecasting or casting against type. I simply had a strong desire to film Béatrice Dalle and I wrote the script for her. Before meeting her, I sensed her gentleness and violence were very similar to Nadia's. I was fascinated by her in the way Pierre (Isaïe Sultan) is fascinated by Nadia. The first time I met her, I was waiting for her in a café. She came in and stood smack in the middle of the room, straight as an arrow, between two columns, and I knew that was the film right there. Something about her speaks to me of time, maybe it's this strange impression I get that she has none: no past, no present, no future. I think she immediately understood that's what I was looking for: a violent detachment. It's contradictory, and it truly defines her.

What’s next ?

Currently, I am writing and preparing this new movie, « The dead soldiers », which I will shoot next year in Lebanon and France. The film tells the story of a militiaman who, in 1975, after having killed his prisoner without proper reason, fled Lebanon. 35 years later, he meets in France a young man who looks exactly like his prisoner. The repressed guilt will then resurface and he understands why he killed the prisoner. I will shoot this film in the Lebanese mountains and in the French region Les Landes. I am very excited about shooting in Lebanon.