Friday, October 21, 2011


19>24 MARCH 2012
Deadline posponed until October 26th 2011

Dear friends,

Aubagne International Film Festival supports the young cinematographic creation and the musical creation related to image. So, we are pleased to sen you the "Call for entries" of 13th edition. We'll be very pleased to receive your films. Feel free to contact us for any questions.

Registrations are open for 2 competitions

- FEATURE FILMS: first, second and third films of any cinematographic genre (fiction, documentary, experimental, animation), having imperatively an original music, are accepted. Shooting formats allowed: film and video. Entry form and regulation to be download on our website :

- SHORT FILMS: first, second and third works whose running time does not exceed 30 minutes of any cinematographic genres (fiction, documentary, experimental, animation) are accepted as long as the film presents an original music or a particular treatment of the sound. Shooting formats allowed: film and video. The Short Films registrations will be done on line directly ! Please go to the shared film festival registration system :

-ENDOWMENT: Eight awards out of eleven are endowed. 2 000 € rewards the composer winner of the Grand prix for the best original music for long feature film; 3 000 €, shared between the director and the composer rewards the Grand Prix for the best sound or musical creation on short film. Half of this reward is endowed by the SACEM; 750 €, endowed by the Champagne Tsarine, are awarded to all the prize-winners for Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Experimental and Public short film while the Beaumarchais-SACD prize awards 1 500 € to a francophone fiction short film.

Contact us :

Serge Guidi
coordination compétitions courts métrages
Festival international du film d'aubagne
Tel: +33(0)4 42 18 92 10

63 chemin de la vallée-Camp Major
13400 Aubagne

Winter 2012 Feature Film Production Grants

San Francisco, CA - October 20, 2011 - In its continuing effort to promote original filmmaking by individuals from around the world, the Global Film Initiative is pleased to announce the Winter 2012 cycle of its feature film production grants program. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2012, and decisions will be announced in March 2012.

Global Film Initiative production grants are awarded twice a year, in winter and summer, to filmmakers whose work exhibits artistic excellence, accomplished storytelling and cultural perspective on daily life. Funds received through the Initiative's Granting Program are used to support completion of film production, and to subsidize post-production costs, such as laboratory and sound mixing fees, and access to modern editing systems.

The Global Film Initiative will award production grants of up to $10,000 each to select applicants during its winter granting cycle. These funds are made available following the Initiative's evaluation of an applicant's completed screenplay and early film-footage, and may include a pre-sale option for exclusive U.S. distribution of an applicant's film by the Initiative.

Individuals may submit more than one film for consideration per granting cycle but please note that only applications from qualifying countries or regions will be considered and that production grants are not available for documentary or short films.*

The Global Film Initiative strongly believes in supporting narrative storytelling traditions from around the world and invites all qualified applicants to submit their work for granting consideration.

Applications must be postmarked by this date to be eligible for consideration.
For Applications & Guidelines, please visit:

*The Global Film Initiative accepts grant applications from countries in the following regions: Africa, Asia (excluding Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan), the Caribbean (excluding Cuba), Central & Eastern Europe (excluding European Union), Latin America, the Middle East (excluding Iran) and Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand).

The Global Film Initiative
145 Ninth Street, Suite 105
San Francisco, CA 94103

FIDLab, une plateforme professionnelle de soutien à la coproduction internationale

APPEL A PROJETS : 15 octobre 2011 > 5 février 2012

Le FIDlab est un espace de travail autour de projets de films sélectionnés en réponse à un appel international, pour offrir aux réalisateurs l’opportunité de rencontres dynamiques avec des producteurs, fonds de soutien, diffuseurs, distributeurs.

Chaque année, 10 projets internationaux sont sélectionnés, sans critères de format, de durée, de sujet, fictions et documentaires, qu’ils en soient au stade d’écriture, de développement ou de postproduction.

Dans le cadre de la 4ème édition du FIDLab, qui se déroulera au début du mois de juillet 2012, nous vous invitons ici à soumettre vos projets de films, sans critère de format, de durée, qu’ils soient fiction ou documentaire.

FIDMarseille – Fabienne Moris
14, allée Léon Gambetta 13001 Marseille /
Tél : + 33 (0)4 95 04 44 90 / Fax : + 33 (0)4 95 04 44 91

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DOCmed programme de formation

DOCmed propose un programme de formation pour producteurs et réalisateurs arabes de documentaires de création.

Si vous êtes producteur ou réalisateur / producteur de documentaires de création
de l’Algérie, l’Egypte, la Jordanie, le Liban, le Maroc, les territoires occupés Palestiniens, la Syrie ou la Tunisie

Porteur d’un projet de film documentaire
ayant pour ambition une coproduction internationale

Et vous souhaitez
- Appréhender en détail toutes les étapes de travail ; écriture du projet, développement, financement, budgétisation, et accords de coproduction
- Bénéficier d’une expertise approfondie au niveau de la production de votre projet
- Echanger et débattre autour de projets concrets avec des professionnels du documentaire des pays arabes, d’Europe ou d’ailleurs

Inscrivez-vous à DOCmed 2012
Date limite d’inscription le Mercredi 30 Novembre 2011
Pour la liste des documents requis :

DOCmed est un programme de formation sur 3 ans, destiné aux professionnels du secteur documentaire ayant un projet apte pour une coproduction internationale.

Chaque année, 10 professionnels seront sélectionnés pour participer au programme DOCmed. Ils seront encadrés par des experts et tuteurs expérimentés et actifs dans le champ de la production et du financement du documentaire.

Ce programme est une initiative de Beirut DC (Liban), Eurodoc (France), Doc à Tunis (Tunisie) et en association avec ARTE France

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

33e Festival international du cinéma méditerranéen de Montpellier

Se déroulera du 21 au 29 octobre 2011.

Ici, le programme complet du festival.

Prix documentaire organisé au Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels (FIPA).

L’appel à projet pour documentaire est lancé, la date limite de réception des dossiers, est fixée au 31 octobre. 10 projets seront sélectionnés par un jury de professionnels. Les producteurs seront invités à l’atelier de formation.

Pour plus d'information:

62nd Berlin International Film Festival

The 62nd Berlin International Film Festival will take place from February 09-19, 2012.

Online Film submission is now activated and you can start entering films for the programme there.

Film submissions can only be made via online registration from September 20 until October, 31st (feature length films) and November 14, 2011 (short films).

The 9th International Festival Signes de Nuit

The 9th International Festival Signes de Nuit
(October 5th 16th 2011)

A particular festival focused on a
"Cinema different"

Discover the world in another way
Discover other worlds
Discover other worlds in another way

The Creation of Difference

Dossier de presse

DOCmed calls for entries

Producers and directors from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Palestine can now register to participate in DOCmed, a documentary programme designed to help filmmakers improve development standards, finance and the management of documentary projects.

Deadline for registration is January 25, 2012. More information on DOCmed

Oslo Screen Festival

Oslo Screen Festival, international festival for video art, is now open for entries to its third edition in March 2012 and would like to invite all artists and filmmakers to send their works.

Please find regulation & entry form here.
The deadline for entries is November 1st.